~ Mýa ~

Sólstorms Don´t Stop Dancing

Mýa er fædd 4. apríl 2013 

Mýa er úr fyrsta gotinu hjá Sólstorms ræktuninni, hún er framúrskarandi fulltrúi sinnar tegundar eins og Artý móðir sín.

Hún er margt lík móður sinni með afbragðs geðslag, örugg og staðföst tík. Hefur reynst vel í skotveiði en komin á efri árin og  

Heilsufarsniðurstöður hennar eru:
HD: A ~ ED: A 
 Augnskoðun ECVO: Retinal Dysplasi
EIC hrein ~ prcd-PRA Clear by parents
Ber ekki gen fyrir brúnum lit.

~Nokkrar umsagnir~

8,5 years old veteran in super condition. Correct size. Nice proportions. Lovely head and expression. Good neck. Well angulated. Good topline. Moves very well. Not in her best coat. Lovely temperamen

Öldungaflokkur: Excellent, 1 sæti, CK og 2 besta tík tegundar, Besti öldungur tegundar, Íslenskt meistarastig og öldunga meistarastig.
Dómari: Sven Slettedal
Dagseting: 18.9.2021


Really beautiful yellow bitch. Lovely head. Perfect neck and shoulder. Short coupled body. Good ribs. Ex topl coat and tail. Moves like a dream. Really lovely bitch.

Öldungaflokkur: Excellent, 1 sæti, CK, besta tík tegundar, besti öldungur tegundar, Íslenskt meistarastig, öldunga meistarastig, BOB (Best í tegundinni) og BIG (Best í grúbbu 8).
Dómari Labrador: Dan Ericsson
Dómari grúbbu: Jose Miguel Doval Sanchez
Dagseting: 22.8.2021


Beautiful type. classic, fem and very balanced. exc head and expr. strong and clen neck. very nice angl. good body, coat and tail. lovely temp. still moving like a younger one.

Öldungaflokkur: Excellent, 1 sæti, CK, 2 besta tík tegundar, Vara Norðurlanda meistarastig, Besti öldungur tegundar.
Dómari: Jose Miguel Doval Sanchez
Dagseting: 21.8.2021


Feminin, excellent type. Excellent lenght in body. Broad enough chest. Broad skull and hindquarters. Lovely expression. Excellent carriage of tail. Well angulated in front and rear. Long steps. Strong movement.

Opinflokkur: Excellent, 1 sæti,  CK, besta tík tegundar, Íslenskt meistarastig, NUK meistarastig, Crufts qualification, BOB (Besti Labrador) og BIG-3.
Dómari: Antonio Di Lorenzo
Dagseting: 23.11.2019


4 years old yellow. Very good type. Excellent move front and rear, hind., head and expression. Without coat today, but lots of quality.

Opinflokkur: Excellent, 4 sæti og CK
Dómari: Krank Kane
Dagseting: 26.11.2017

“Really beautiful yellow bitch.
Lovely head.
Perfect neck and shoulder.
Short coupled body.
Good ribs. Ex topl coat and tail.
Moves like a dream.
Really lovely bitch. ”
Dan Ericsson.
22.8.2021 ~ Öldungaflokkur: Excellent, 1 sæti, CK, BOB, Besti öldungur tegundar, og BIG.